Dr. Deb Gorton’s experience as a clinical psychologist offers a unique perspective on faith and mental health.

Her writing challenges the status quo and calls us to embrace radical acceptance. She offers her insight on a variety of topics focused around challenging our perspectives, owning our now, and navigating the dance of balancing rational thinking with emotional experience. As a follower of Jesus Christ, any wisdom she shares finds its roots in the inspired Word of God. 




In Embracing Uncomfortable, you’ll learn practical skills to help you pursue and fulfill your purpose, like “practicing the pause” and “balancing your emotions.” Discover the freedom and joy that will fill your life when you begin to see discomfort as an important step toward reaching your goals.


Notable Contributions


Walling, S. M., Ericksson, C. B., Meese, K. J., Ciovica, A., Gorton, D. E. & Foy, D. W. (2006). Cultural identity and reentry in short-term student missionaries. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 34, 153.


Kelly, T. A. & Gorton, D. E. (2006). The Casebook of a Residential Care Psychiatrist: Psychopharmacosocioeconomics and the Treatment of Schizophrenia in Residential Care Facilities. [Book review]. Psychiatric Services, 57, 892.



Ready to Get Started?

Contact Dr. Gorton to start a conversation about her writing topics.